Writing Devotionals From Everyday Life

I get so many questions about how I write my devotionals, so I thought today I would share some devotional writing prompts.  I usually write from what I know and from experiences in my everyday life.  If you look at the ministry of Jesus, He told stories that the people of that time could relate to, so I think that is the greatest example of a way to share.  Just share an experience or story that people can relate to in their own life.

Devotional Writing Prompts

Just think about what has happened in your life recently or may have happened a while ago that made an impact on you.

86 Writing Prompts

  1. Death of a family member
  2. Death of a friend
  3. Met someone new
  4. Made a new friend
  5. Tried a new recipe
  6. Began detailed meal planning
  7. Had marital issues
  8. Had health issues or an injury
  9. Had a stay in the hospital
  10. Found out you were having a baby
  11. Had a change in your family’s financial status
  12. Retired
  13. Started a diet
  14. Lost weight
  15. Gained weight
  16. Tried on clothes for the first time in a long time
  17. Weighed yourself for the first time in a long time
  18. Volunteered in a soup kitchen or some type of charitable ministry
  19. Took a mission trip
  20. Hosted a foreign exchange student
  21. Hosted a missionary preacher, or evangelist for a meal
  22. Saw a homeless man/woman
  23. Had insomnia
  24. Had a child leave home (became an empty nester)
  25. Visited an old friend or family member that you hadn’t seen in a while
  26. Locked yourself out of your house or car
  27. Participated in something you have never done before
  28. Had to discipline a child
  29. Had to step up and voice your opinion
  30. Went on a trip or vacation
  31. Had company over for dinner or hosted a party
  32. Cleaned or decluttered at home
  33. Lost something valuable
  34. Found something valuable
  35. Had to replace something that wore out such as an appliance
  36. Lost respect for someone
  37. Gained respect for someone
  38. Joined a new group or club
  39. Began being a caregiver
  40. Planted a garden
  41. Gave birth
  42. Have a new grandchild, niece, or nephew
  43. Celebrated an anniversary of some type
  44. Attended some type of retreat or conference
  45. Got your hair cut
  46. Changed the type of makeup, skin care, etc. that you normally use
  47. Went to a spa or had a manicure/pedicure
  48. Had a pleasant dream
  49. Had a nightmare
  50. Quit your job
  51. Started a new job
  52. Was fired from your job
  53. Had a son/daughter graduate from high school or college
  54. Graduated from college or got a degree to further your education
  55. Started back to school or began taking classes
  56. Took a hike
  57. Ran a marathon
  58. Saw a shooting star
  59. Saw something miraculous in nature or your surroundings
  60. Had a birthday
  61. Served on a jury
  62. Asked for a raise at work
  63. Received a raise at work
  64. Had an unexpected financial crises
  65. Had a friend get mad at you
  66. Got mad at a friend
  67. Changed careers
  68. Had a public speaking experience
  69. Learned a new craft or began a new hobby
  70. Moved to a new location
  71. Had a close friend move away
  72. Felt inspired by someone or something
  73. Had an unexpected blessing
  74. Got a traffic ticket
  75. Was in a car accident or near accident
  76. Messed something up royally, such as a burnt dinner, broke something, etc.
  77. Saw a sign or heard a quote that made you stop in your tracks
  78. Saw God’s hand in a particular circumstance
  79. Got a pet
  80. Lost a pet
  81. Something made you cry
  82. Something made you laugh
  83. Someone said something that stuck in your head
  84. You heard a song that stuck in your head
  85. You felt discouraged by something
  86. You felt encouraged by something

Please let me know if these prompts are helpful to you.  I love hearing what you all have to say.

Have a lovely day,


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