Prayer & Relief

Look at us. We have reached DAY #9, of our journey of “Loving to Talk to God” during our 2022 Bible Memory Challenge. If you haven’t started yet, find the Memory Verse List here.

Prayer and Relief

I hope you are enjoying our look at prayer.

Prayer & Relief

Our thought today to go with our memory verse is, Prayer relieves our worries.


Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Philippians 4:6

Prayer relieves our worries.


When our verse says, “be careful for nothing”, it means not to be anxious about those worries. “For nothing” points to not worrying about any of those worries we may have.

Friends, we aren’t to worry over things. We have a God Who takes care of those worries for us. I’m not talking about never having any cares. We are going to have things weigh on our hearts, like the planning of our futures, the Salvation of loved ones, the safety of our children, and the things that are important to us, and even those big troubles that we may face. We will have concerns. God knows that.

God wants us to love people and care for them, and their welfare will register deep within us. He want us to love life and be passionate about what’s important to us. But when we begin to fret, lose sleep, become unwell physically, and things like that because of worrying over those things and those people, then that is when we really need to think about what we are doing to ourselves. We need to make sure we leave those things that trouble us at Jesus’ feet.

We need to leave everything there.

And I have found that taking things to the Lord daily is the key. It keeps our worries from growing so big that they pound us down and make our hearts so heavy that we just can’t breathe.

Prayer and Supplication

Our verse says, “…by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving“. I’m sure you all know what “prayer” is. It’s talking to God, whether worshipping Him, praising Him, or sharing our heart with Him. Prayer covers a lot of things, but “supplication” usually implies a humble petition to God.


Next “Thanksgiving” should go along with our prayer and supplication to the Lord. It’s another one of those peanut butter and jelly things. Thanksgiving and prayer go together!

Having a grateful heart for what God has done will do wonders to your attitude when you approach your prayer time. There is always so much to be thankful for, and we should make a habit of making thankfulness a part of our prayer life.

Make Your Requests Known

The last part of our verse says, “…let your requests be made known unto God.” Those other things that I mentioned is what leads up to that. Taking everything to the Lord and making thanksgiving a part of prayer and supplication is like a recipe for giving our requests over to the Lord.

The Lord wants to hear our requests and this verse tells us how.

The Result

When we take everything to our Lord in prayer, it stands to reason that it will relieve our worries, but just take a look at the verse that follows our memory verse today.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

Look at the peace that God can give when we turn everything over to Him. I have dealt with anxiety issues, so I know the importance of clinging to that peace that only the Lord can give. The peace of leaving our burdens at the feet of Jesus gives relief. It lessons our burdens. It takes that weight off of our shoulders. It sooths our temples. It relaxes our muscles. It helps us breathe easier. It helps us hear the birds sing. It helps us smell the flowers. It helps us see a little more clearly. It helps us have a song in our hearts. It gives us reassurance. It gives us comfort.

Relief is sweet.

I’m so glad that this verse gives me the instruction of how to get to that peace when I pray. We don’t have to carry our burdens and worries around ourselves.  God’s got us!  We can give those worries over in prayer.

Divider Bible Memory Challenge

I trust you are enjoying the “Loving to Talk to God” Memory Challenge. Leave a comment about today’s verse or let me know how you are doing with the verses this year.

Have a lovely day,

2022 Bible Memory Challenge

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